March 23, 2016

FileBank’s Digtial Document Management Services Equipped For All Organizations

All Document Management Companies have their one niche that makes them stand out from others; FileBank has multiple services that make us the thumb in the world of fingers.

1.       Jump To Digital: FileBanks Jump to Digital program is designed to enhance our client’s organization’s technology savings, streamline office procedures, reduces costs, all  attributes that make your life easier in the workplace.  This program delivers 7 tools to enhance how your office produces, and gives you the peace of mind that you will be able to find what you need, exactly when you need to. We deliver to our clients a scanner and a tablet to scan imperative information. This scanner allows clients to index the documents with imperative keywords that will help them retrieve the documents immediately. Once the documents are all scanned in, they are put in a FileBank box that is eventually picked up from our organization to be stored forever!
Benefits: Increase efficiency by 66%, or more! Find and view your documents instantly. Rapid deployment. User friendly.

2.       Infrastructure  as a Service (IaaS): This allows clients to pay as you grow virtual data centers, which is extremely powerful and flexible. It allows clients to only use what they need, when they need it.
No Capital Expense
No Hardware
No Maintenance
No Upgrade 

3.       FileBacker: This is our automated data backup service. You never have to worry about natural disasters at your organization, ruining imperative documents, when FileBank already has all your information stored on a different server. The benefits are pretty much self-explanatory here, no? 

4.       FileAnalytics: This service analyzes all your data, and combines data from any sources with extremely high performance. It provides the fastest way to gain insight into how different parts of a business relates.  We offer specific analytics for Government Agencies, schools, retail corporations, and Non-Profit Organizations.
Rapid Deployment
Low total cost of hosting
Very simple to use
Pulls data from almost any data source, and visualizes the data in one combined Dashboard 
Make sure to stay connected by checking out our YouTube and Facebook pages!

Also, visit our website to learn more about our many services.

Greg Copeland
President, Filebank Inc.

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