October 27, 2015

New Website Coming Soon!!!

FileBank is excited to launch our newly renovated website in a few short weeks. This new outlook of our services will explain much more in depth what our services consist of, as well as being able to see our personal recommendations from our loyal clients.

A live feed of blogs will be present on the homepage, as well a live feed of our social media forums, ensuring all clients will be knowledgeable of what we are doing, when we are doing it!

One of our newest services, FileTranscription, and FB-Files will be fully described and small demos of each service will be present on the corresponding sections of the website.

The new layout will thoroughly introduce our mascot, Harold, who will be explaining all of our services, in a fun, spunky way.

We are extremely excited to launch our new website!

Make sure to stay connected!

Greg Copeland
President, FileBank Inc.

How FileBank Service "Instant Access" Can Implement Positive Change In Their Company

Many of our customers are schools and Municipalities; all of whom possess an insurmountable amount of documents. Almost all of our clients experiences times in their organization when retrieving documents are of an extreme time sensitive situation. Having all files serviced in Instant Access, can not only help during these time-sensitive occurrences, but it can also relieve the stress of wondering if any files have been lost or accidentally destroyed.

Imagine having over 1,000 boxes in storage. This means within these 1,000 boxes, there are over 3,000 files within these boxes. Even the most organized individual will have an issue keeping up with all every single file in each box. What Instant Access does for our clients, is individually index every single file in each box, allowing clients to search for a specific file instead of multiple boxes to search in, in hopes of finding this one particular file.

This cuts down search and labor time extensively, as well as relieves the headache of hoping the file is found for your deadline.

Wish to learn more about FileBank's  Instant Access service, make sure to check out our website.

Make sure to stay connected.

Greg Copeland
President, FileBank Inc

FileTranscription - Our Newest Service

To all our loyal customers,
We have a new service we call FileTranscription. Institutions around the Tri-State Area have hand written journals and minute books. This new service will now allow our clients to convert written texts to digital documents for their own personal viewing!!
This additional service continues our effort to be better than the rest! We at FileBank are constantly ensuring our services are those never seen before in any other Enterprise Content Management organization.
A full description of FileTranscription is coming soon on our newly updated website..
Make sure to stay connected!!

Greg Copeland
President, FileBank Inc.




October 25, 2015

FB-Files Will Be a Service Never Seen Before in Enterprise Content Management.

Insert Demo

V-Cabinet's New Updated Software

FileBank has given our client's a new updated software of their virtual cabinet for even easier access to their scanned documents.  

This new layout of V-Cabinet needs some small training, and our  Information Technology Department is ready and eager to walk our client's through the step-by-step process 

Just when our customers thought V-Cabinet couldn't get any easier, FileBank gives them a better software update that proves we are more than happy to provide them with the best services out there for Enterprise Content Management!

Wish to learn more about our services, make sure to check out our website.

Make sure to stay connected.


Greg Copeland
President, FileBank Inc.

Our New Certified Retention Specialist

FileBank is happy to announce that our very own Retention Archivist is now officially a Certified Retention Specialist. We are extremely excited to enlighten our customers and potential customers that our Retention Department is just as thorough as the rest of FileBank.

Our Retention Specialist is in charge of abiding by state and federal records management guidelines. Considering certain federal documents must have a certain lifespan, it is a breath of fresh air and a relief for our customers knowing that we have a certified professional who oversees the destruction dates and is fully aware of the state’s rules and regulations.

Congratulations, Amanda Santora!

Wish to learn more about retention, and how it may benefit your company, please visit our website.

Make sure to stay connected.


Greg Copeland
President, FileBank Inc.

October 18, 2015

FileBank's Data Center Is Safer Than Anticipated.

The recent hurricane scare left some New Jersians, and New Yorkers a little frightened that they were going to experience another Hurricane Sandy. Luckily for FileBank and our employees/customers, we slept tight knowing that the secure Archive Center was not going to be tampered with by Mother Nature.

Our football field long and football field wide Data Center was withstand winds up to 135 mph. We live up to our name, ensuring our facility is safe and secure

FileBank’s President, Greg Copeland searched for the perfect, secure facility in 2004. His goal was to provide clients with a safe storage center. “I never envisioned Hurricane Sandy, but when I was reviewing the blueprints, I noticed the building could only withstand 85 mph winds. I didn’t think that was enough.” After debating with the architects, he decided to redesign the facility, making it withstand almost double that strength of winds as before.

Having a company care about the safety of documents as much as our clients do is a characteristic we at FileBank are proud to possess. We not only make sure our clients are 100% satisfied with the services we provide, but also assurance knowing their documents will never be ruined; that is what we call…priceless.

Wish to learn more about our services, make sure to check out our website.

Make sure to stay connected.


Greg Copeland
President, FileBank Inc.