November 24, 2015

How Our Retention Services and Benefit Your Organization

FileRetention™ Retention Analysis

Destroying records is not as simple as tossing them out in the dumpster when you run out of storage space. This is because by law some records must be kept longer than others and most organizations are subject to laws that affect the records that they create. This is where FileBank can help. FileBank’s in-house archivist analyzes your files to determine expiration dates, and works with relevant government and nongovernmental agencies to ensure the certified destruction of records and that no file is ever destroyed that should not have been. There are many advantages to having a FileBank archivist help you manage your files. It reduces risks of document mismanagement. It also provides your organization with an additional layer of accountability and protection. The archivist monitors and updates your organization’s records inventory using FileBank’s computerized records management system, ensuring that your adherence to state and federal records disposition regulations is accurate and up to date.

Eliminates frustration and fall out caused by lost records.
Enables on-demand access to less often used files.
Increases staff efficiency by eliminating search time.
Facilitates records retention planning and inventory control.
Ensures that information assets are secured and preserved.
Guarantees that obsolete records are securely shredded and recycled.
Wish to learn more about our company, make sure to check out our website.
Make sure to stay connected!

Greg Copeland
President, FileBank Inc.


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