Interacting with government policy is one of the most challenging tasks a business can take on. Recently, that challenge in New York City became a little bit more difficult with the passage of local law 84. LL # 84 is a recent measure passed in order to help make NYC’s buildings greener and more energy efficient. According to this law, owners of buildings in the city are responsible for benchmarking how much energy and water they use every year, and then saving this information for 3 years, and making it available for inspection by the government during that time. Though this law might seem like just another example of so much more bureaucratic red tape, FileBank has devised innovative, cost effective solutions that can assist property managers in compliance.
FileBank is prepared to become a property manager’s back office in order to make compliance with LL 84 a breeze instead of a chore. Because of our company’s convenient location in urban New Jersey, we already make frequent deliveries and other work related trips into the city. Our customers already enjoy the benefits of having all the functions of a back office delegated to FileBank: their documents are instantly accessible online through an easy-to-use system, their physical files are available to be delivered to their offices on a one hour or overnight basis, they receive professional help interacting with local government, and their files are shredded in a safe, redundant process when they’ve reached their expiration date. We intend to apply all of these skill sets to clients that want assistance complying with LL 84.
So stay tuned for more news about this exciting new initiative. FileBank is eager to contribute to the creation of a greener community in NYC, and to the bottom line of our business neighbors across the river.
Until next time,
Vanessa Banti
Master Archivist
local law 84 was passed in 2009 and since then Energy usage has been controlled significantly. Which proved to be the best ordinance to save wasted energy.