May 22, 2013

NJ Records Management: Tips and Tricks

by Bryan Finlayson

It has happened to all of us, once in a while. We walk into the back room, the office basement, the filing closet down the hallway, and we see it. Stacks, piles, mountains of documents greet us, so many papers that we don’t even remember where they came from. This type of situation is common among even the most well organized office. Often, after a document has been used for its immediate purpose, we leave it in a box or a filing cabinet where it sits until spring cleaning transfers it to this infamous backroom. Our boss might wander down the hall and wonder “why can’t we just get rid of all this mess?”

The answer is that many types of documents have certain legal life spans, periods in which you are obligated to retain them. A purchase order, a student record, the blueprint for your building: all of these documents have a different time period that they need to be saved. The New Jersey state agency that keeps track of these laws is called the Records Management Services (RMS), formerly known as the Division of Archives and Records Management (DARM). In NJ, all public agencies such as schools, hospitals or municipal governments have to get RMS’s approval before they can legally destroy documents. A report that lists the contents of each individual box must be submitted to RMS with signatures from the agency in order to commence the destruction process. 

But here’s where disposing of old documents gets tricky: each type of document has its own unique code. Each department in a public agency has a unique schedule of retention codes which RMS provides online in PDF format. Sorting through all of these 100s of retention codes can be quite daunting! Fear not, for at FileBank this task is one of my specialties. If you keep a few essential points in mind when getting ready to destroy your documents, you will make working with RMS a simple, efficient experience. 

First: Are you putting all of the same type of document in each box? You would be surprised how easy it is to forget to do this! I have seen file boxes where someone literally took their entire inbox from their desk (plastic container included) and put it in a box to be destroyed. RMS will not accept boxes packed in this way, for there is no way to code all the mixed up documents in such a box. 

Second: Have you divided your boxes into their proper departments? An employee record and a purchase order are not part of the same department. This example is very obvious, but be careful that each set of boxes represents only one department – for RMS accepts one report per. 

Third: Don’t know if something can be destroyed? Look it up! The PDFs that RMS provides online have a search tool (the binoculars icon) that allows you to look up a document’s retention code by keyword. The more you reference these schedules, the easier it will be for you to identify those really tricky documents. 

Finally, pay close attention to signatures! In my experience, the destruction of obsolete files is most often retarded by a missing signature on one of the necessary forms. Depending on the type of agency requesting permission to destroy, 2-4 different signatures will be needed before RMS accepts a destruction report. Also, pay close attention to who is signing which fields. For example, Field 4 on the form must be signed by the Custodian of Records and Field 3 must be 

Feel free to post any questions you might have about RMS below. Also make sure to check the links side bar to the right of this post, where you can go to RMS’s website and learn more about what they do for NJ! Also, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions specifically related to FileBank’s services in relation to RMS.

May 7, 2013

Upcoming Exhibitions at Atlantic City


FileBank will attend several high-profile exhibiting events this year. The company will showcase its popular Jump to Digital program, a digital document management solution that helps school districts and municipalities transition to a paperless work environment. We will also promote our new hosting service, FileCloud, which reduces subscriber IT infrastructure, maintenance, and software expenses.

This summer, FileBank will exhibit at the following events:
  • New Jersey Association of Counties (NJAC) on Wednesday, May 8 to Friday, May 10 at Caesars Atlantic Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, Booth 610
  • International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) Sunday, May 19 to Tuesday, May 21 Trump Taj Mahal, Booth 219

We're excited to be presenting at the following events later this year:
  • NJSBA/NASBO/NJASA 2013 Annual Exhibition & Workshop at the Atlantic City Conference Center from Tuesday, October 22 to Thursday, October 24
  • NJLM New Jersey League of Municipalities 98th Annual New Jersey State League of Municipalities Conference at the Atlantic City Convention Center from November 18 to 21
You'll be happy to know that FileBank enjoyed great success at recent Atlantic City shows. From April 24 to 26, FileBank exhibited its records management services to attendees at the New Jersey Conference of Mayors (NJCM) at the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa. At the convention, we showcased how FileBank's services help municipalities better comply with state records management requirements, gain more effective control over paper documents, and move toward a paperless environment. We'd like to thank the many individuals who were interested in FileBank's enterprise content management services. If you did not make it to the convention and would like to learn more about our dynamic records management solutions, please do not hesitate to contact a customer service representative or visit our website. 

Come visit us at the Atlantic City Conference Center and learn more about our services. We’ll be giving free demonstrations of our technology and web-based applications, and we'll talk about our company’s 25 years of industry experience. If you are looking for a firm to help you manage your organization's inventory of records, we'd love to talk to you.

If you’re responsible for making the purchasing decisions at your organization, you’re looking for an enterprise content management company that provides consistent, conforming, quality products and services. Let FileBank show you its commitment to delivering superior service and outstanding customer care as your partner in all your record management needs. We look forward to seeing you in Atlantic City.